
Porch Progress
Apr 26, 2023
The current "brick stabilization and porch rebuild" project is progressing nicely. It's taking a bit...
Brick By Brick
Apr 05, 2023
You know that point mid-project where you have to make everything look worse before it...
The Power of the Pro-Con List
Mar 22, 2023
Has a better tool ever been invented for making tough decisions than the pro-con list?...
Tiny Windows, Big Decisions
Mar 08, 2023
While we finish Walnut and Twine To-Go, the plan is to tackle high-priority exterior problems simultaneously. Thanks...
It's What's on the Inside That Counts
Nov 09, 2022
We've spent the last few posts on what's happening outside Walnut + Twine To-Go, but...
Remodeling The Lean-To
Jun 08, 2022
As a quick refresher, this is where the lean-to started its transformational journey into the...