
More Lemons Means More Lemonade
May 24, 2023
In this week's installment of "Lemons to Lemonade," let's talk about concrete. Sometimes things happen,...
Porch Progress
Apr 26, 2023
The current "brick stabilization and porch rebuild" project is progressing nicely. It's taking a bit...
Brick By Brick
Apr 05, 2023
You know that point mid-project where you have to make everything look worse before it...
Tiny Windows, Big Decisions
Mar 08, 2023
While we finish Walnut and Twine To-Go, the plan is to tackle high-priority exterior problems simultaneously. Thanks...
Dare to Believe
Feb 22, 2023
I'm not fully trusting it yet, but all indicators point to opening the doors to...
A Sign of Progress
Jan 25, 2023
Can you believe something happened not only "according to schedule" but AHEAD of schedule?! Neither...